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Jerusalem Hills Gewuritztraminer 2019

Jerusalem Hills Gewuritztraminer 2019

定價 HK$268.00
定價 HK$298.00 售價 HK$268.00
特價 售罄

“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

100% KOSHER Certificate , Vegan

爆炸性的薑、白胡椒等香料味,盡顯了這種葡萄的特色,入口能感覺到極明顯的甜度和花果香,回甘再以蜂蜜 的氣息作結,和咖哩類的料理就為搭配。

Gewurtztraminer matures gently in the warm, days and cool night of the Judean Mountains, surrounding Jerusalem.This ideal climate allows the fruit to reach its entire flavor potential, offering aromas of tropical fruit, exotic lychees, roses and a spicy aftertaste. It is best served with Roquefort and a perfect match to any Asian cuisine, from sushi and spicy Thai to Chinese and Indian dishes.

酒精度 Alcohol%:11.5%

容量 Vol.:750ml


耶路撒冷酒莊 Jerusalem Winery

酒莊建在以色列耶路撒冷區域,它是由一位法國籍的猶太人成立。釀酒廠第一批葡萄酒的出產年份是 2002 年。耶路撒冷酒莊是一間現代化的釀酒企業,從葡萄的採摘到入瓶,都是運用革新的技術操作處理。葡萄園種植在海拔 600 至 800 米高的山上,該地區的氣候和岩石土壤為葡萄提供獨特的口味和香氣,有助於創造出口感豐富和平衡的葡美酒。葡萄酒會陳釀在法國橡木桶和美國橡木桶中 3 至 15 個月。耶路撒冷酒莊的葡萄酒都受到拉比和美國正統猶太會眾聯盟的監督下生產。

